For Borough President Fernando Ferrer, drafted/initiated:
- $.04/day Personal Income Tax for Afterschool Programs
- Affordable housing plan (Daily News op-ed, September 14, 2000)
- Alternatives to Incarceration Plan (released 12/7/01)
- Budget/Fiscal Reform Plan (includes capital)
- Buildings Department reform
- 10-point plan to re-engineer CCRB as an independent NYPD monitor
- Census count accuracy (statement)
- City Hall Access (statement)
- City Charter Reform (August 10, 1999 News Release and Testimony; August 26, 1999 Testimony; and August 9, 2001 Testimony)
- Clean Air Plan (news release), 10-point strategic plan
- Clean Water bill (news release)
- Community and Cooperation Can Conquer Crime (New York Post Op-ed August 25, 2000)
- Community Policing Plan (news release)
- Co-op/Condo Tax Relief
- Financing for Education Plan
- Empower CCRB to assume prosecution functions (news release)
- Foreign Terrorist Organizations, Ban on Banking and Doing Business with
[2001 Int. No. 1017] (news release)
- Gun Safety 9-Point Plan
- Index SCRIE & SCHE to COLA legislation [2004 A.06538] (news release)
- Privatization opposed (Gotham Gazette Op-Ed November 27, 2000)
- Racial Profiling Legislation [2001 Int. No. 975, 2004 Int. No. 142 passed as
Int. No. 142-B, enacted as [2004 Local Law 30]
- Real Estate Tax Reform (5/28/02: Finance Commissioner Martha Stark referred to it as "The Corey Bearak plan" at City Council Hearing); (Plan released in 2005 mayoral campaign)
- Sales Tax Relief (Daily New Op-ed September 7, 1999)
- Transportation (franchised buses, token booths, V/F/G, 2nd Ave. Subway)
- Voting Reform
- Two New Yorks template
- Water Rate Setting bill [2004A.03791; 2003 Int. 404] (2004 and 2001 news releases)
- Water Rate relief for seniors legislation [2004A.06495/S.111] (news release)
Not released but drafted:
- Graffiti Cleanup legislation
For Borough President Adolfo Carrion, drafted/initiated:
Copies of original statements are available on ">request.